The 24 Hour
Startup Challenge

174 #24hrstartups were launched on November 17, 2018.

Onboarding list
A curated list of Onboarding Workflows from famous websites
Looking 2 Work
Reversing the job seeking model
Customer development survey as a service
Step Zero (Makers Ideas Diary)
Smart way to jot down ideas and shape them while they're still fresh

163 makers livestreamed a #24hrstartup

PTRbot - Plan Travel Right, through the power of bots.
Where To Eat Now - know where to get your next meal from
Quora Scanner - πŸš€Exponentially grow your Quora traffic by finding the best questions! - Live natural disaster and emergency preparedness chat.
MakerMix - A Database of Startup Pitch and Updates
HookTransformer - Process, save, and forward incoming webhooks
NonStopFlightList - Pick Your Flight Duration
InstaLand - Create amazing landing pages for your followers 🀘 - A shareable profile that sums you up as a maker πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ› πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

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