The 24 Hour
Startup Challenge

188 #24hrstartups were launched on November 17, 2018.

This is a list of everything I've found useful in my journey of learning design.
Serviços profissionais em impostos |
Serviços profissionais de fiscalidade
Deal Indie
A flat fee dealsite for indie makers
Find all the issues of any smartphone in one place

163 makers livestreamed a #24hrstartup

🗞Newsletter Wall - Newsletters under control. - never again!
🍰A/B Cakewalk - Automatic A/B Testing! It's not magic... it's cake! 🍰
Like X but for Y - Website That Pokes Fun At Copycat Startups
Table Engine - A buddy to restaurant manage busy periods 🤘 - A shareable profile that sums you up as a maker 👨‍💻🛠👩‍💻
Gateproof - Find all the issues of any smartphone in one place

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