The 24 Hour
Startup Challenge

174 #24hrstartups were launched on November 17, 2018.

Socialinks - Link in bio tool
Add all your links in your social bio
Decentralized P2P Chat
Build better newsletters 💌
work anywhere
Soapnuts for laundry
Soapnuts for laundry

163 makers livestreamed a #24hrstartup

Roam - Create and share the places you roam around the world
Timeblocks - An agenda timer for meetings
SinAula - Encuentra y valora toda la formación online en español.
FluentRead - Learn vocabulary while reading a text!
TechSpotter 🌎 - A map of the world's top tech cities
IndieTV - Background or not TV
Trackly - Track your Product Hunt launch in Telegram
BLOCKVAULT - Encrypted, secure, user-owned password manager

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