The 24 Hour
Startup Challenge

174 #24hrstartups were launched on November 17, 2018.

Automate Data Versioning for ML and deep learning
Easily share metrics with your team.
This is a list of everything I've found useful in my journey of learning design.
Poshmark Bot Reviews
The best way to up your Poshmark game

163 makers livestreamed a #24hrstartup

LIMITS.RIP - May your limits Rest In Peace!
Sleep Services - Listen to natural sounds and help you sleep and relax. - Live natural disaster and emergency preparedness chat.
Looking 2 Work - Reversing the job seeking model
Tamtam - Digital pets which eat and evolve.
Repose - Putting service providers in front of those who need services.
Emailssary - Customizable, professional looking email template set for startups. - Remove the clutter and get directly to the content you love!

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