The 24 Hour
Startup Challenge

174 #24hrstartups were launched on November 17, 2018.

Looking 2 Work
Reversing the job seeking model
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163 makers livestreamed a #24hrstartup

Opsbot - Hire a robot. Opsbot is DevOps built for indie makers.
Privacy First Products - A curated list where you can discuss privacy first products
☕️ Lattes for Change 💛 - Skip a latte and save a life.
PTRbot - Plan Travel Right, through the power of bots. - Walkie talkie in your browser
NomadScore - Rate WIFI from Cafe’s and Hostels!
Gym Buddy - A workout builder tailored to the equipment you have access to.
Visualize It for Airtable - Insights at a glance for your Airtable backend
Lupyo - Don't leave your outfit choice to chance

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