The 24 Hour
Startup Challenge

174 #24hrstartups were launched on November 17, 2018.

Learn to code from developers across the globe!
Update your Product Changelog in Seconds
Baby Bottles Cleaner Singapore |
Baby Bottles Cleaner Singapore
Game Night Invite
Don't waste time arguing which games to play during game night, do it ahead!

163 makers livestreamed a #24hrstartup

NoMorePopups - Automatically opt-out of tracking and hide popups on websites.
Fluency App - Learn anything effectively
Get Meta - An API for getting meta information from a web page
MakerMix - A Database of Startup Pitch and Updates
hnalert - Don't Miss Your Favourite Hacker News Article
Drive to site - Google drive on drugs
BEAF - Share a Before & After pictures as a single post to get unbiased feedback
Pivoting - Pivoting
Roam - Create and share maps for the places you roam and love around the world

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