José Pascual

is building a #24hrstartup on November 17, 2018


I am a Frontend Developer in love with the Internet and the things that can be created here.

I've always loved experimenting, learning and creating but I've never found an ideal place to do it.

Together with a community of +6,000 people who like to see my madness I try to create great things.


My #24hrstartup

House Advisor
Tripadvisor for renting and buying houses.

Platform with which you can obtain information about a property before renting or buying it.

Wouldn't it be frustrating to rent a spectacular flat and make the neighbours very noisy? Or that the quality of the same one is not the wished one? or that the district is ideal for us for the small children?

The prices of the housings and rents only rise and rise, but nobody stops to check if those housings really are habitable or ideal for families.

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